"Life, Death, and Catholic Medical Choices: 50 questions from the pews" by Kevin J. O'Neil and Peter Black

Life, Death, and Catholic Medical Choices: 50 questions from the pews

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In Life, Death, and Medical Choices: 50 Questions from the Pews, Revs. Black and O'Neil bring professional training in Catholic ethics into dialogue with questions that people in the pews must face. Using precise language they help us understand the core values of respect for life and human dignity that are the heart of moral analysis and pastoral theological reflection.[From publisher's website]

ISBN: 9780764819537


Due to copyright restrictions this Book is unavailable for download.

Life, Death, and Catholic Medical Choices: 50 questions from the pews may be accessed from the publisher here

Life, Death, and Catholic Medical Choices: 50 questions from the pews may be accessed from the National Library of Australia here

The Author:

Professor Peter Black
