Exploring lived experiences of Indian immigrants and their counsellors: A qualitative study
Publication Details
Mathisen, M.,
Ledingham, M.
Exploring lived experiences of Indian immigrants and their counsellors: A qualitative study.
Psychreg Journal of Psychology, 2 (2), 29-42.
This study aimed to examine the experience of Indian people living in Australia who have accessed counselling interventions and the counsellors’ experience of assisting Indian clients in a counselling setting. This was a qualitative study employing interpretative phenomenological analysis to study the lived experiences of counselling provision for Indian clients in Australia. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to gather the experiences of the counsellors and Indian clients. The analysis of the data revealed four key themes emerged from the Indian client participant group: (1) understanding of counselling; (2) counselling benefits; (3) challenges of counselling; and, (4) therapeutic relationship. Three key themes which emerged from the counsellor participants group were: (1) challenges of counselling; (2) therapeutic relationship; and (3) counsellors’ knowledge. Overall, the findings suggest that despite some challenges, counselling was useful for Indian immigrants into Australia.
counselling, immigrants, multicultural counselling, therapeutic alliance, counsellors’ knowledge