"Support for mum when dad works away (Book Review)" by Dawn Darlaston-Jones

Support for mum when dad works away (Book Review)


I was pleased to receive the invitation to review this booklet because it is a topic I am personally interested in and affected by. My partner is currently part of the FIFO workforce based on a mine site in the North West. His current work context involves a regular roster of 2 weeks on and 1 week off which allows the opportunity for greater structure and planning of family functions and events. However, in the past he has also spent much of his working life in construction in South East Asia, resulting in long irregular periods of time away from the family. Both formats present opportunities and challenges for the FIFO worker and his or her family. Throughout this review I use the term FIFO to represent any form of working away from home – the more commonly understood form of ‘fly-in-fly-out’ in the mining sector; defence force personnel; truck drivers; and others whose occupations take them away from home on a regular or irregular basis for short or extended periods.

Support for Mum When Dad Works Away, Department for Communities, Perth, Western Australia. Available from: http://www.community.wa.gov.au/DFC/Resources/ Parenting/

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