"Everything is interesting: The body as bearer of the truth" by Thomas V. Gourlay

Everything is interesting: The body as bearer of the truth


In his slim and punchy little book, Acedia and its Discontents: Metaphysics of Desire in an Age of Boredom, R.J. Snell suggests that the common experience of the loss of meaning in the modern world can be attributed to the vice of acedia. Relying on Evagrius of Pontus, as well as the Angelic Doctor, St Thomas Aquinas, Snell defines acedia as a rejection of life itself and an antipathy with one’s place in the world. It is the unhappy rejection of one’s supernatural end, union with the Triune God.


R.J. Snell, “Acedia and its Discontents: Metaphysics of Desire in an Age of Boredom”, contemporary humanity, embodiment, acedia, ontological boredom

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