"Fellowship to continue falls prevention research received by UNDA acad" by Leigh Dawson

Fellowship to continue falls prevention research received by UNDA academic

Document Type

Media Release

Publication Date

Spring 26-10-2011

Publisher Name

The University of Notre Dame, Fremantle Campus

Publication Place



The provision of falls prevention education to older patients after hospital discharge could see seniors living longer and healthier lives according to Dr Anne-Marie Hill, Senior Lecturer in the School of Physiotherapy at The University of Notre Dame Australia’s (UNDA) Fremantle Campus.

Dr Hill will commence a four year research project on ‘Preventing falls in older patients after hospital discharge by providing patient education’ in 2012 after receiving an Early Career Fellowship from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).

As part of the Fellowship, Dr Hill received a grant of $294,892 to continue her investigation into falls prevention and to build primary research at Notre Dame.

The basis for the new project resulted from Dr Hill’s previous research into older patients who, after being discharged from hospital, were having problems with falls and engaging in exercises during the follow-up period.

Through her project, Dr Hill hopes to establish methods of delivering key health messages which are easier for the older hospital patients to understand and carry out.

“Over my 25 years working as a clinician, I became aware of how many potential safety hazards there are in hospital and what a challenging place it can be for older patients,” Dr Hill said.

“My passion in terms of falls prevention research is assisting older people to understand what they can do to keep healthy and how they can prevent falls.

“I hope my research can encourage older people to live healthier and longer lives as well as promote the importance of awareness about patient care for older people into the community.”

Dean of the School of Physiotherapy, Professor Peter Hamer, congratulated Dr Hill on her achievement.

“Anne-Marie’s success in being awarded an NHMRC Early Career Fellowship reflects her dedication and achievements since she began her academic career at the University in 2005,” Professor Hamer said.

“We are very proud of Anne-Marie, her successes, her dedication and her achievements and look for to her continuing her research career in the School of Physiotherapy and the University".

Dr Hill’s past achievements include the 2009-2010 Sir Robert Menzies Allied Health Sciences Scholarship and the more recently awarded $25,000 grant from the Menzies Foundation for her research into falls prevention. MEDIA CONTACT: Michelle Ebbs, Tel (08) 9433 0569, Mob 0408 959 138 Leigh Dawson, Tel (08) 9433 0569, Mob 0405 441 093
