"Australian Indigenous and CALD women overcoming barriers to health scr" by Dianne Jonasson, Catherine Harding et al.

Australian Indigenous and CALD women overcoming barriers to health screens: better together!


It is well-documented that significant disparities exist in the health status and behaviours of women in Australia, influenced by a range of factors including income, ethnicity or Aboriginality, sexual orientation, disability, education, geographic setting, and age.1-6. This research focuses on two of these factors – Aboriginality and ethnicity. Research consistently reports that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women (hereafter respectfully referred to as Indigenous women) and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse women (hereafter respectfully referred to as CALD women) frequently do not access breast and/or cervical screening services because of practical, psychological and cultural barriers.1,7,8 Reviewed literature identifies barriers which prevent or hinder Indigenous and CALD women from participating in health screens, both in Australia and overseas. Despite the cultural diversity of the women studied, many barriers appear to be similar.


health screening, barriers, Indigenous women, culturally and linguistically diverse women (CALD), Australia

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