Syndrome X
Publication Details
Lim, D., & Wong, F. (2009). Syndrome X. Journal of Complementary Medicine, 8(6), 39-40.
• Metabolic syndrome X (MSX) is a group of cardiac risk factors caused by insulin resistance
• Patients with MSX present with a cluster of characteristics, including abdominal obesity, artherogenic dyslipidaemia, elevated BP, insulin resistance or glucose intolerance, and prothrombotic and pro-inflammatory states
• Chinese medicine treatment for MSX is often directed at tonifying the yin of the Lung and Kidney, and at regulating the Spleen and Stomach
• BL23, LU10, SP6 may be used as the primary treatment points while KI3, BL13, CV6, CV3, G34 and ST36 may be considered as secondary points
• The current evidence of CM on the treatment of MSX reveals inconsistent findings