National Hypertension Taskforce of Australia: A roadmap to achieve 70% blood pressure control in Australia by 2030
Publication Details
Schutte, A.,
Bennett, B.,
Chow, C.,
Cloud, G.,
Doyle, K.,
Girdis, Z.,
Golledge, J.,
Goodman, A.,
Hespe, C.,
Hsu, M.,
James, S.,
Jennings, G.,
Khan, T.,
Lee, A.,
Murphy, L.,
Nelson, M.,
Nicholls, S.,
Raffoul, N.,
Robson, B.,
Rodgers, A.,
Sanders, A.,
Shang, C.,
Sharman, J.,
Stocks, N.,
Usherwood, T.,
Webster, R.,
Yang, J.,
Schlaich, M.
National Hypertension Taskforce of Australia: A roadmap to achieve 70% blood pressure control in Australia by 2030.
The Medical Journal of Australia, 221 (3), 126-134.
Background: Raised blood pressure is the leading preventable cause of death in Australia. One in three Australian adults (6.8 million people) have hypertension, defined as clinic or office blood pressure greater than or equal to 140/90mmHg, based on randomised population data.10 Screening campaigns found that about half of these adults (3.4 million) have not had their high blood pressure values detected and are unaware of their hypertension,11 hence are not receiving appropriate treatment. Of those who are diagnosed with hypertension, and treated in the general population, only 32% (2.2 million) are treated effectively, that is, reducing their blood pressure to less than 140/90mmHg (Box 1).10,11 Australians who visit primary care centres have somewhat different rates, where 55% of patients are treated and have their blood pressure effectively controlled.12
Goal: Increase current population blood pressure control rates (<140/90mmHg) from 32% to at least 70% by 2030.5,10
Targets and strategies: The roadmap for 2024–2030 (Box 2) is built on three pillars: (A) prevent; (B) detect; and (C) effectively treat raised blood pressure. An international modelling study recommended 80–80–80 blood pressure targets, which translates to 80% of individuals with hypertension being screened and aware of their diagnosis; 80% of those who are aware being prescribed treatment; and 80% of those on treatment having achieved blood pressure targets.13 However, because 20% remain unaware, and 20% of those aware remain untreated, and 20% of those treated not achieving target, this model would only achieve 51% blood pressure control. To achieve the Taskforce’s target of 70%, a 90–90–90 model is required for Australia, as this approach would achieve a 73% blood pressure control rate.