The use of kiosks to improve triage efficiency in the emergency department


Triage is a system used to prioritise patients as they enter the emergency department (ED) based on their need for urgent care. In recent decades, EDs have becoming increasingly overcrowded, leading to longer pre-triage waiting times for patients. E-triage interventions like kiosks have been proposed as a solution to overcrowding. We conducted a literature review into the effectiveness of kiosks in improving triage efficiency. After rigorously searching five biomedical databases and screening candidate articles in Endnote, we identified nine papers pertaining to the introduction of kiosks in emergency departments. Six articles had positive findings—with E-triage interventions improving some aspect of the triage process—such as reducing pre-triage times. Conversely, only three articles reported negative findings, such as low uptake. Consequently, EDs should consider introducing kiosks to complement the current nurse-led triage process and thereby promote better patient outcomes.


triage, emergency departments, urgent care, kiosk, E-triage

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