Different clinical symptom patterns in patients with reflux micro-aspiration
Publication Details
Khoma, O.,
Park, J.,
Lee, F. M.,
Van der Wall, H.,
Falk, G. L.
Different clinical symptom patterns in patients with reflux micro-aspiration.
ERJ Open Research, 8.
Background: Pulmonary manifestation of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) is a well-recognised entity; however, little primary reported data exists on presenting symptoms of patients in whom reflux micro-aspiration is confirmed. The aim of this study is to report symptoms and presenting patterns of a large group of patients with confirmed reflux micro-aspiration.
Patients and methods: Data was extracted from a prospectively populated database of patients referred to a tertiary specialist centre with severe, refractory or atypical reflux. Patients with reflux micro-aspiration on scintigraphy were included in this study. A separate group included patients with evidence of proximal reflux to the level of pharynx when supine and/or upright.
Results: Inclusion criteria were met by 243 patients with confirmed reflux micro-aspiration (33% males; mean age 59). Most common symptoms amongst patients with micro-aspiration were regurgitation (72%), cough (67%), heartburn (66%), throat clearing (65%) and dysphonia (53%). The most common two-symptom combinations were heartburn/regurgitation, cough/throat clearing, regurgitation/throat clearing, cough/regurgitation and dysphonia/throat clearing. The most common three-symptom combinations were cough/heartburn/regurgitation, cough/regurgitation/throat clearing and dysphonia/regurgitation/throat clearing. Cluster analysis demonstrated two main symptom groupings, one suggestive of proximal volume reflux symptoms and the other with motility/inflammatory bowel syndrome-like symptoms (bloat, constipation).
Conclusion: The combination of typical symptoms of GORD such as heartburn or regurgitation and a respiratory or upper aero-digestive complaint such as cough, throat clearing or voice change should prompt consideration of reflux micro-aspiration.
reflux micro-aspiration, GORD, pulmonary manifestation, symptom patterns