A cancer education framework for Australian medical schools: An announcement of a new educational program
Publication Details
Starmer, D.,
Russell, K.,
Juliff, D.
A cancer education framework for Australian medical schools: An announcement of a new educational program.
Journal of Cancer Education, Early View (Online First).
This framework draws upon national and international cancer curricula to identify the essential cancer-related learning outcomes for Australian medical students. The framework incorporates feedback from medical, radiation and surgical oncologists, haematologists, and palliative care physicians on what medical graduates need to know about cancer. The consensus view was that medical students require a basic understanding of the principles of cancer management and the opportunity to see cancer patients in a cancer service unit. The framework assumes that certain knowledge, skills, and attitudes are already embedded in current Australian medical school curricula, presenting instead only the core cancer content in order to provide a clear and concise framework designed to maximise integration within existing curricula.
cancer education, medical curriculum, curriculum development, expert review