Publication Details
Fox, O. J.,
Wertheimer, G.,
Walsh, M.
Primary open abductor reconstruction - a 5-10 year study.
Journal of Arthroplasty, Early View, Online First.
Background: Gluteal tears are recognised as the source of pain over the greater trochanter. We investigated the outcome of primary open abductor tendon reconstruction with a 5 year follow-up.
Methods: 165 consecutive hips underwent an open abductor tendon reconstruction, with all tears confirmed pre-operatively by MRI. Oxford hip scores (OHS) were assessed at the initial visit, and at 5 to 10 years.
Results: The average pre-operative OHS was 22 (r: 7y – 34y) and average post-operative OHS was 40 a difference of 18 (p<0.0001).
Conclusion: Surgical reconstruction of degenerate abductor tendons should be considered in the presence of an MRI confirmed separation where clinical findings are consistent with the known tendon disruption. Open transosseous reconstruction reliably results in good pain relief at 5 to 10 years.
abductor, reconstruction, gluteal tendinopathy, hip, pain, chronic