Moderate aortic valve stenosis is associated with increased mortality rate and lifetime loss: Systematic review and meta-analysis of reconstructed time-to-event data of 409 680 patients


Background: The mortality risk attributable to moderate aortic stenosis (AS) remains incompletely characterized and has historically been underestimated. We aim to evaluate the association between moderate AS and all-cause death, comparing it with no/mild AS (in a general referral population and in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction).

Methods and results: A systematic review and pooled meta-analysis of Kaplan–Meier-derived reconstructed time-to-event data of studies published by June 2023 was conducted to evaluate survival outcomes among patients with moderate AS in comparison with individuals with no/mild AS. Ten studies were included, encompassing a total of 409680 patients (11527 with moderate AS and 398153 with no/mild AS). In the overall population, the 15-year overall survival rate was 23.3% (95% CI, 19.1%–28.3%) in patients with moderate AS and 58.9% (95% CI, 58.1%–59.7%) in patients with no/mild aortic stenosis (hazard ratio [HR], 2.55 [95% CI, 2.46–2.64]; P

Conclusions: Moderate AS was associated with higher risk of death and lifetime loss compared with patients with no/mild AS.


aortic valve, aortic valve disease, aortic valve stenosis, heart valve diseases, meta-analysis

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