Trait impulsivity as a feature of Parkinson's Disease treatment and progression


Heightened trait impulsivity in both subclinical and pathological senses is becoming increasingly recognised in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Impulsive behaviours and impulse control disorders (ICDs) are a consequence of perturbation to the rewards pathway leading individuals to conduct activities in a repetitive, excessive, and maladaptive fashion. Commonly linked to PD, heightened trait impulsivity has been found to primarily manifest in the forms of hypersexuality, pathological gambling, compulsive shopping, and binge eating, all of which may signifcantly impact social and fnancial standing. Subsequent burden to quality of life for both individuals with PD and caregivers are common. Although risk factors and indicators for ICDs in PD are currently lacking, it is recognised that the condition is often precipitated by dopamine replacement therapies, primarily dopamine agonist administration. While this nonmotor symptom is being increasingly diagnosed in PD populations, it remains relatively elusive in comparison to its motor counterparts. Trough discussion of impulsivity characteristics, neuroanatomy, and neurochemistry, in addition to reviewing existing research on the potential contributing factors to impulsivity in PD, this review highlights impulsivity as a signifcant and detrimental PD symptom. Tus, emphasising the imperative need to establish efcacious diagnostic tools and treatments.

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