Publication Details
Khong, L.,
Berlach, R. G.,
Hill, K. D.,
Hill, A.
Design and development of a theory-informed peer-led falls prevention education programme to translate evidence into practice: A systematic approach.
International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, Early View (Online First).
Peer-led education has been shown to be an effective approach for raising community-dwelling older adults’ beliefs, knowledge and intention to engage in falls prevention strategies in a recent intervention trial. This article outlines the design and development of the intervention, which was a peer-led falls prevention education programme designed to promote older adult’s motivation to change their behaviour in the area of falls prevention. The elements of the programme that contributed to its efficacy are also described. The programme was designed using a four-step approach and was based on the constructs of a theoretical framework (the COM-B model). Feedback from older adults was also incorporated into the programme development. Programme components developed were a workshop to train older adult peer educators to deliver falls prevention education, a one-hour peer-led falls prevention presentation, and supporting resources to aid programme delivery. A questionnaire measuring older adults’ responses to the presentation was concurrently developed and pilot-tested prior to implementation of the education programme. Finally, resources to monitor and evaluate fidelity at five points in the programme were developed. It was found that seeking older adult consumer involvement, and adopting a theoretical framework-driven approach contributes to effective design and delivery of falls prevention education programmes. This ensured that the programme was acceptable to older adults, feasible to deliver and allowed robust measurement of the effect of the education programme on important behavioural change components.
aged, accidental fall, behaviour change theory, peer groups, volunteers, health promotion programmes, education programmes