"Knee strength and knee adduction moments following arthroscopic partia" by Daina L. Sturnieks, Thor F. Besier et al.

Knee strength and knee adduction moments following arthroscopic partial meniscectomy


Purpose: This study investigated the relationship between muscular strength about the knee and knee joint moments during gait in patients who had undergone arthroscopic partial meniscectomy (APM)

Methods: One hundred and two APM patients and 42 age-matched nonoperated controls underwent strength testing and three-dimensional gait analysis. Patients were divided into weak and normal subgroups and compared with controls for spatiotemporal, kinematic, and kinetic gait parameters.

Results: Spatiotemporal parameters, kinematics, and sagittal plane kinetics were similar between APM patients and controls. The APM group displayed weaker concentric knee extension and flexion strength compared with controls. The weak APM subgroup had an increased average and peak knee adduction moments over stance compared with the APM subgroup with normal strength levels and controls. The normal strength APM subgroup had a larger peak knee adduction moment in early stance compared with controls.

Conclusion: Achieving normal lower limb muscle strength following APM appears important to resume normal frontal plane loading of the knee while walking.



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