
Young and misunderstood in the education system


Incredible knowledge and an inability to demonstrate and express that knowledge mean frustration for Tom. As a consequence his disability means that he manifests as a student with behavioural issues in the classroom and a lack of self-control. At home he is expressing his dissatisfaction with his education and specifically with his teachers. He has his own ideas of what his education should look like and how this can be implemented.

Teachers are being required to become experts in many educational fields in their classrooms. The students entering school are presenting with a divers range of needs and abilities which the teachers is expected to know about. This presentation will provide teachers with greater knowledge about one of the reasons academically gifted students may be underachieving. They may have been identified as academically gifted but also have a learning disability which is not identified and which hinders their progress. Or they may be in the special needs class having been identified as having a disability and the possibility that they are also academically gifted not even on the radar for consideration.


schooling, adjustments, parents, siblings, disability, gifted


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