
Success in education and misunderstood: gifted with learning disabilities


Students can demonstrate academic giftedness and at that the same time confuse their teachers by also having a learning disability. These students are often misunderstood in the classroom or even worse, not recognised. Despite these contradictions these students can be successful both at school and university. Education policies in Australia do not recognise that students can be both academically gifted and have a learning disability. As a result these students are often not identified by teachers and underachieve in the classroom.

The challenge for teachers is to identify these students and provide appropriate educational programs that allow them to reach their full potential. No current identification process exists in Australia. This research studies what knowledge and understanding teachers may have of these students. The research also considers how students who may have been recognised were identified. As a result of this data an identification process has been developed and will be trialled across schools in Australia.


disability, giftedness, identification, parents, schooling


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