"Jesus, Nazareth, Catholic Schools" by Maurice Ryan


The identity of Jesus of Nazareth is the foundation of the identity of Catholic schools. Often, assertions about the identity of Jesus in relation to Catholics schools are presented without reference to the biblical record. This article seeks to provide biblical context to discussions about the identity of Jesus of Nazareth. These contextual discussions about Jesus are designed to aid considerations of Catholic school identity. The specific focus of this article is a survey of contemporary literature on Jesus’ hometown—Nazareth. A focus on Nazareth does not reveal the whole story of Jesus; it offers one piece of the jigsaw revealing Jesus’ identity. The current surge in studies of biblical Nazareth and Galilee provides insights into key questions: Who was Jesus of Nazareth? What can be learned about his time and place? How do these new discoveries help us to re-create his life and teachings? Themes and issues are drawn from this survey of biblical literature on Nazareth. These themes are discussed in relation to reflections on Catholic school identity.