"A Catholic Curriculum in Tasmanian Catholic Schools" by Bobbi-Jo Bailey, Alanna Stretton et al.


The Australian Curriculum identifies seven general capabilities (knowledge, skills, behaviours and dispositions) and three cross curriculum priorities (Sustainability; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures; Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia) that students require for twenty-first century engagement and learning. In its implementation of the Australian Curriculum, The Tasmanian Catholic Education Office (TCEO) is considering introducing a fourth cross curriculum priority of Catholicity and an eighth general capability of Wisdom, in order to enhance the Catholic curriculum for Tasmanian Catholic schools. Using the stages of theological reflection outlined by Dr. Drasko Dizdar, this article will explore why a fourth cross curriculum priority of Catholicity and an eighth general capability of Wisdom are necessary to maintain the purpose of Catholic education and a Catholic identity within this secular age. This article will also describe the challenges and insights that may arise from the implementation of a Catholicity cross curriculum priority and a Wisdom general capability.