
Does sustainability matter in the B2B environment: A study in marketing attitudes and the constraints of “going green” in the B2B context.


There is a significant body of literature on consumer perceptions of sustainability in both marketing communications and products/services. This research contributes to the less studied context of business to business (B2B) marketing and how marketers in this context perceive sustainability. Green marketing has an important role to play in achieving sustainable development in the B2B context. Marketers have a vital responsibility to communicate on relevant products/services, create awareness on environmental issues among industry customers and promote sustainable consumption. However, previous research has also suggested that, as yet, green marketing and indeed marketing’s broader influence on attitudes towards sustainability, are yet to be fully mobilised, particularly in the B2B environment. Given the important role of marketers in achieving sustainable development, this research focuses on why mobilisation of a sustainability agenda is yet to really eventuate and what the opinion of marketers working in B2B environment regarding green marketing actually is.


sustainability, marketing communications, green marketing, b2b, marketers


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