Transformation of the world order from unipolar system to a multipolar one: Some theoretical analyses


Due to the emergence of some major powers, the debate over the sustainability of the existing unipolar world order lead by the United States has got momentum in recent times. The concerned actors are inquisitive about this transition as it has vital implications on the global balance of power and regional as well as international security. This study has tried to examine the likelihood of this transformation through formulating a theoretical framework based on the realist approach, especially the neorealist approach, of international relations and security as well as by investigating two relevant case studies. Analyzing the relevant theories, especially the balance of power theory, along with the two case studies, it has been found that the balance of power mechanism is the key factor behind the conversion of the current international system, and it validates the neorealists’ stance. At the same time, the alternative explanations of this transformation have been found superseded by pointing out their incompatibilities with the current scenario. Finally, it is clear that due to the power balancing dynamics, the current unipolar system is transforming into a multipolar one. Moreover, the relevant actors should align their policies in line with the ongoing conversion to evade future complications.


world order, unipolarity, balance of power, international security, hegemony of power, soft balancing

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