
Spooked: The Truth About Intelligence in Australia

Document Type

Edited Book

Publication Date



Terrorist acts, most notably 9/11 and the Bali bombings, transformed our attitudes to the secretive world of intelligence, surveillance and security. In this book a prominent group of writers including Michael Mori, Ben Saul, Anne Aly and Peter Leahy lay bare the facts about spying and security in post-9/11 Australia. Their compelling book cuts through panic and fear-mongering to ask hard questions: Is ASIO unaccountable? Is the money we spend on security worth it? Is cyber-terrorism an urgent threat? Are our spies up to the job, and how do we know anyway as we only hear about their failures? In this book a prominent group of writers including Michael Mori, Ben Saul, Anne Aly and Peter Leahy lay bare the facts about spying and security in post-9/11 Australia.


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