

  • Mesothelial and immune cell interactions play a crucial role in tissue homeostasis in the serosal cavities such as the pleura.
  • Mesothelin is viewed as an attractive target for solid tumors, including malignant mesothelioma.
  • Checkpoint inhibitor therapy has shown variable efficacy against malignant mesothelioma.
  • CAR T cell therapies are being evaluated for malignant mesothelioma.
  • Treatment of malignant mesothelioma will require multimodality approaches with immunotherapy central to future therapeutic approaches.

The mesothelium when first described was thought to function purely as a non-adhesive surface to facilitate intracoelomic movement of organs. However, the mesothelium is now recognized as a dynamic cellular membrane with many important functions that maintain serosal integrity and homeostasis. For example, mesothelial cells interact with and help regulate the body’s inflammatory and immune system following infection, injury, or malignancy. With recent advances in our understanding of checkpoint molecules and the advent of novel immunotherapy approaches, there has been an increase in the number of studies examining mesothelial and immune cell interaction, in particular the role of these interactions in malignant mesothelioma. This review will highlight some of the recent advances in our understanding of how mesothelial cells help regulate serosal immunity and how in a malignant environment, the immune system is hijacked to stimulate tumor growth. Ways to treat mesothelioma using immunotherapy approaches will also be discussed.


mesolthelium, mesothelial and immune cell interaction, immunotherapy, malignant mesothelioma

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