Wednesday 21 September 2022

11.00am to 12.00 noon AWST / 1.00pm to 2.00pm AEST

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Academic Staff Presentations. Research in Progress and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning projects relating to the Summit theme: ‘Partnerships for Student Success' and sub-themes of:

  • Developing purposeful partnerships
  • Tools and strategies for creating sustainable partnerships
  • Future-proofing learning and teaching through partnerships

We are pleased to announce eight presentations i.e. five Research in Progress and three Scholarship of Learning and Teaching. The presentations are as follows:

  • Dr Lawrence Pang, Faculty of Education & Philosophy & Theology and Dr John Topliss, School of Education: Partnership for Authentic Training for the Profession: Collaborative and interdisciplinary teaching approach
  • Dr Aishah Moore; Dr Claudia Ng; Dr Gisselle Gallego; Dr Samuel Bulford; Carmel Mezrani; David Donato; Suzanne Avis; Andrew Dean; and Murray Scott, School of Medicine: Engaging students to codesign and deliver a program to support the development of interprofessional practice
  • Dr Mark Clayden; Dr Ben Piggott and Andrew Boxsell, School of Health Sciences and Physiotherapy: Building Partnerships to Increase Engagement: A case study from the Health and Physical Education degree
  • Dr Dane King, Learning and Teaching Office: An experience of implementing Professional and Community Engagement (PACE): PACE yourself with work integrated learning (WIL)
  • Dr Heidi Waldron and Ms Georgia Calvert (second year medical student), School of Medicine: Evaluating medical students’ confidence when learning clinical skills using protocols
  • Professor Lauren Stephenson, Dr Traci-Ann Garrad, Sabina Prodanovic; Professor Boris Handal and Jessica Sevgin, School of Education: Connection and compassion: Enriching student learning and teaching experiences
  • Dr Philip Dennett, School of Arts: Industry partnerships in advertising courses
  • Dr Jenny Conlon and Dr Ben Piggott, School of Health Sciences: HLTH1004 Well-Being Fundamentals for Success: A partnership with the Act Belong Commit Mental Health Campaign

All presentations are eligible for i) the Award for the abstract that best represents the conference theme i.e. 'Partnerships for Student Success' and ii) the Award for the abstract that best represents SOTL. Please note: The times listed for the presentations in the Program are all AWST

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Academic Staff Presentations - Wednesday 21 September 2022
Wednesday, September 21st
11:02 AM

Partnership for authentic training for the profession: Collaborative and interdisciplinary teaching approach

Lawrence Pang, The University of Notre Dame Australia
John Topliss, The University of Notre Dame Australia

Zoom session commences 10am AWST/12 noon AEST

11:02 AM - 11:09 AM

This presentation reports on an evidence-based outcome approach adopted to enhance student engagement in Scripture and Church which all Education students at Notre Dame (Fremantle) seeking accreditation to teach in Catholic Schools must undertake. Although the course content was considered highly relevant by the accreditation body (Catholic Education, Western Australia) course evaluation reports persistently indicated that students were not fully satisfied with their learning opportunities. It appeared that a contributing factor for the lower scores was the lack of pedagogical guidance included in the course content to allow students to gainfully employ it in their future profession. The amalgamation of the Schools of Education and Philosophy and Theology into a faculty provided an opportunity for a new collaborative and interdisciplinary teaching approach involving subject matter experts of both schools namely theologians and educators3. The teaching approach could be summarised in the formula: Suitable Content + Relevant Pedagogy + Experiential Learning = Authentic Teaching1,2.

Initial observations show an increase in student satisfaction which affirm the contribution of authentic teaching and learning towards the job-readiness of Education students especially those aspiring to be religious education teachers4. Plans are underway to include an experiential learning component for this group of students which hopes to show further improvement towards authentic teaching and learning to promote the employability of Notre Dame graduates.


1Christian, B. (2020). In P. Kilgour & B. Christian (Eds.), Revealing Jesus in the learning environment: Making a world of difference (pp. 181-205). Cooranbong, Australia: Avondale Academic Press.

2Ashby, I., & Exter, M. (2018). Designing for Interdisciplinarity in Higher Education: Considerations for Instructional Designers. TechTrends, 63(2), 202–208.

3Gleeson, J. (2015). Critical challenges and dilemmas for Catholic Education Leadership internationally, International Studies in Catholic Education, 7:2, 145-161.

4Law-Davis, S. & Topliss, J. (2022). Perceptions of pre-service and graduate early childhood and primary teachers regarding their confidence in teaching Religious Education in Catholic primary schools. British Journal of Religious Education, articles in press.

11:09 AM

Engaging students to co-design and deliver a program to support the development of interprofessional practice

Aishah Moore, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Claudia Ng, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Gisselle Gallego, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Samuel Bulford, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Carmel Mezrani, The University of Notre Dame Australia
David Donato, University of Tasmania, Australia
Suzanne Avis, University of Tasmania, Australia
Andrew Dean, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Murray Scott, University of Tasmania, Australia

Zoom session commences 10am AWST/12 noon AEST

11:09 AM - 11:16 AM

Preparedness of health graduates to engage in interprofessional practice (IPP), is essential to a patient-responsive, effective and efficient healthcare system. Whilst interprofessional education (IPE) is seen as foundational to IPP, best practice in its development and implementation in undergraduate programs remains ambiguous1. Collaboration between medicine and paramedicine undergraduates are uncommon2. The reasons are many but are centred around curriculum, time and space constraints. Blended learning may present a solution to these constraints and provide a neutral ground for students to engage with learning without the overlay of hierarchical power dynamics that may be present in work-based settings3. Our project investigates the impact of a co-designed, blended IPE learning activity on the attitudes of medicine and paramedicine students towards interprofessional practice. Twelve volunteer students partnered with faculty members to create and deliver a weeklong blended learning experience. This presentation describes the first part of a University of Notre Dame (School of Medicine) and University of Tasmania’s (Faculty of Paramedicine) collaboration and engaging students as co-designers and facilitators to deliver a quality, research-informed blended IPE learning activity. Data is currently being collected and analysed to measure whether there is a shift in attitudes using validated scales and focus groups. As essential stakeholders in IPE, students can be engaged as co-creators in planning and facilitation of IPE, developing skills in in peer- teaching, building future capacity for skilled facilitator workforce and providing opportunity to experience collaborative leadership practises in action.



1Abu-Rish E., et al. (2012). Current trends in interprofessional education of health sciences students: A literature review. Journal of interprofessional care, 26(6):444-451.

2Hallikainen, J., et al. (2007). Interprofessional education of medical students and paramedics in emergency medicine. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 51(3), 372-377.

3Reeves S., et al. (2016). A BEME systematic review of the effects of interprofessional education: BEME Guide No. 39. Medical teacher, 38(7):656-668.

11:16 AM

Building partnerships to increase engagement: A case study from the Health & Physical Education degree

Mark Clayden, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Andrew Boxsell, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Ben Piggott, University of Notre Dame, Australia

Zoom session commences 10am AWST/12 noon AEST

11:16 AM - 11:23 AM

Student engagement is critical to success at university and has been linked to retention (Kahu et al. 2019). One way of increasing student engagement is through building partnerships. Pivotal partnerships relating to the Health & Physical Education (HPE) degree at the University of Notre Dame are student-student, staff-student, student-industry. A variety of strategies are used to create these partnerships, beginning in first year and continuing throughout the degree. This presentation will share the means by which we create these partnerships, outline some of successes from these practises and also some of the challenges we have faced and finally, we will examine the impact this can have on engagement and retention. This project has implications for other programs and schools in the university; it is hoped they may benefit from our insights and be motivated to share their own experiences of developing partnerships and the impact on student engagement and retention.

Keywords: Partnership, engagement, success

11:23 AM

An experience of implementing Professional and Community Engagement (PACE): PACE yourself with work-integrated learning (WIL)

Dane A. King, The University of Notre Dame Australia

Zoom session commences 10am AWST/12 noon AEST

11:23 AM - 11:30 AM

WIL within partner organisations aligned to the career aspirations of students represents a mutually-beneficial collaboration that contributes to social impact and innovation, while supporting graduate employability through industry connections, knowledge exchange and professional experience. At Macquarie University (MQ), this is a well-established part of the core curriculum – with all undergraduate students required to complete a PACE course1. Throughout 2016-18, the Clinical Science team was engaged in the development of a PACE/Capstone course for the new B. Clinical Science. Here, we share the experience of developing PACE for learners with a clinical/ health focus.

A critical step was reaching out to relevant industry contacts in the network of the academic team. Leveraging these existing relationships, particularly within the local Ryde Technology Park, yielded a wide-range of potential partners. Engagement involved a series of workshops to: clarify expectations, demonstrate support, outline benefits of participation, and, ultimately, frame ‘activity statements’ that codified the partnership projects available. Students then formalised a learning contract with the partner and university, completed a reflective report, and presented their graduate portfolio in showcase event.

In the first offering, 25 students completed PACE. The range of experiences on offer were well-aligned to the interests of students, with 92% of candidates allocated their first-/second-preference. Numbers approximately doubled in each subsequent offering, but feedback from supervisors remained consistently encouraging with: these undergraduate students ‘putting MRes and PhD students to shame’, securing internships and future employment opportunities. Prize-winning students in 2018 partnered with The Australian Museum and the university library to curate an exhibition on Indigenous health, and developed an employee health/well-being program for Konica-Minolta. PACE is a tested way of embedding WIL into undergraduate programs and offers a rewarding experience that can be adapted by educators.


1McLachlan, K., et al. (2017). The student experience of PACE at Macquarie University: Understanding motivations for learning. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 18(1), 59-71.

11:30 AM

Evaluating medical students’ confidence when learning clinical skills using protocols

Heidi Waldron, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Georgia Calvert, The University of Notre Dame Australia

Zoom session commences 10am AWST/12 noon AEST

11:30 AM - 11:37 AM

Medical education in our program is underpinned by Miller’s pyramid1, in which competence in clinical practice is built on a foundation of knowledge and progressive skills development culminating in workplace behaviours, professional attributes and identity2. Clinical skills are learnt using step-by-step protocols. Protocols for all four years are effectively the same, differentiated by a small number of additional skills in later clinical years.

Notre Dame’s medical doctorate is a four-year post-graduate course. While many students have prior health professions qualifications, for others this is their first exposure to clinical skills and because of this it is a challenge to pitch learning to the correct level to ensure all students attain necessary competency thresholds3. Additionally, there is emerging interest in the role of student confidence and how it contributes to competency in clinical practice4.

This study explores student perspectives, regarding the use of protocols to learn clinical skills across all four years of study. Our research question is how protocol use correlates with confidence levels at each year level, and whether this varies as the course progresses. It provides a baseline cross-sectional snapshot of student’s self-reported levels of confidence and their learning experiences. Data was collected via an anonymous survey using 5-point likert scale questions and open-ended questions. Response rates by year: first (19/103), second (32/96), third (23/95) and fourth (24/92); overall (98/386: 25%). Preliminary findings will be reported.

This study represents the first phase of a broader curriculum change project. Findings will inform possible changes to protocols to scaffold and support learning across different year levels. This baseline data will allow rigorous before and after comparisons of student learning experiences.


1Miller, G. (1990). The assessment of clinical skills / competence / performance. Academic Medicine, 65(9 Supplement), 63-67.
2Cruess, R.L., et al. (2016). Amending Miller's pyramid to include professional identity formation. Academic Medicine, 91(2), 180.
3Oliver, B. (2011). Good practice report: Assuring graduate outcomes. Curtin University: Australian Learning and Teaching Council, Australian Government. Retrieved from
4Gottlieb M., et al. (2022). Confidence‐competence alignment and the role of self‐confidence in medical education: A conceptual review. Medical Education, 56(1):37-47.

11:37 AM

Connection and compassion: Enriching student learning and teaching experiences

Lauren Stephenson, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Traci-Ann Garrad, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Sabina Prodanovic, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Boris Handal, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Jessica Sevgin, The University of Notre Dame Australia

Zoom session commences 10am AWST/12 noon AEST

11:37 AM - 11:44 AM

This collaborative autoethnographic case study explored how six selected university courses were supplemented and supported by connection and compassion activities22 throughout to facilitate an inclusive learning environment and to enable teacher education students (TESs) to excel in their learning during a range of high velocity events (HVEs). HVEs are experienced in communities resulting from the consequences of COVID-19; ethical dilemmas; conflicts; critical incidents (eg loss, trauma, fires, floods) and restructures. Such trauma-informed education9,20 recognises and deals with the influence and impact on students and their teachers of these HVEs' factors such as health and well being1,22 and identities of self10.

At the time of this study, COVID-19 was widespread and as such many courses were either blended or fully online. Consequently, pedagogies were employed to enable TESs to not only learn remotely but to engage with their fellow students using contemporary technologies and technology-based learning materials. This study is positioned at the intersection of the Quality Teaching Framework (QTF)3,18, universal design for learning (UDL)2,4-8,11-12,17, academic identity10, professional learning14,15,21 and wellbeing1,22.

The study examined the preparedness and capabilities of five University teachers (UTs) and their TESs to teach and learn given the very real context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were collected from the UTs drawing on their TESs' perceptions and feedback. The timeline for data collection and analysis was from Semester 1, 2021 to Semester 2, 2022. The themes that were derived from the thematic analysis of the data included the importance of strategies14,15,16 to (a) create a sense of belonging; (b) dedicating time for getting to know students and students getting to know each other; (c) early and ongoing communication with students; (d) making connections with previous learning/content; (e) designing effective assessment tasks; (f) fostering active learning through engaging pair and group work activities; (g) ongoing explicit discussion of assignments; (h) regularly checking on students' learning progress and (i) supporting struggling learners as soon as possible.

The implications are then discussed including shifting to teaching in a blended or fully online environment19; the need to embed these skills more systematically and cohesively throughout our programs; the importance of being reflexive and maintaining strong partnerships with students, staff and schools22; building and sustaining safe and connected environments1,3,18,22 and the need for further research into connection, belonging and wellbeing1,22 of students and staff.


1Alves, R., et al. (2021). Teachers' well-being in times of Covid-19 pandemic: factors that explain professional well-being. International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 15(15), 203–217.

2Ayala, E., & Christie, B. (2011). Universal design for learning: A proactive pedagogical approach. Journal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning, 18, 121–124.

3Baik, C., et al. (2015). The first-year experience in Australian universities: findings from two decades 1994-2014. University of Melbourne/Centre for the Study of Higher Education.

4Bedrossian, L. (2019). Understand and promote the use of Universal Design for Learning in higher education. Disability Compliance for Higher Education, 23(10), 7–17.

5Burgstahler, S. (2021). Universal Design in Education: Principles and applications. DO-IT.

6Burgstahler, S. (2021). Universal Design in postsecondary education: Process, principles and applications. DO-IT.

7CAST. (2018). The UDL guidelines.

8Cumming, T.M., & Rose, M.C, (2021), Exploring universal design for learning as an accessibility tool in higher education: a review of the current literature, Australian Educational Researcher.

9Doughty, K. (2020). Increasing trauma-Informed awareness and practice in higher education: Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 40(1), 66–68.

10Drennan, J., et al. (2017). Academic Identity in Higher Education. In: Shin, J., Teixeira, P. (Eds) Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Springer, Dordrecht.

11Fovet, F. (2020). Universal design for learning as a tool for inclusion in the higher education classroom: Tips for the next decade of implementation. Education Journal, 9(6), 163-172.

12Garrad, T.A., & Nolan, H. (2022). Rethinking higher education unit design: Embedding universal design for learning in online studies. Student Success. Advance online publication.

13Gore. J., et al. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on student learning in New South Wales primary schools: an empirical study. Australian Educational Researcher.

14Gore, J. (2021). The quest for better teaching. Oxford Review of Education.

15Gore, J. (2020). Why isn’t this empowering? The discursive positioning of teachers in efforts to improve teaching. In A. Brown & E. Wisby (eds.) Knowledge, policy and practice: The struggle for social justice in education (pp.199-216). London, UK: UCL IOE Press.

16Gore, J.M., & Whitty, G. (2017, July 26). Improving teaching: Some lessons from Australia. International Education News.

17Lamont, C., & Nordberg, D. (2014). Becoming or unbecoming: Contested academic identities. Paper presented at the 28th Annual British Academy of Management Conference (BAM2014), Belfast, Northern Ireland.

18Collins L.A. (2017). Quality teaching in our schools. Scan 29–33.

19Stone, C. (2019). Online learning in Australian higher education: Opportunities, challenges and transformations. Student Success, 10(2), 1-11.

20United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO; 2019). Policy Paper 38 Education as healing: Addressing the trauma of displacement through social and emotional learning, global education monitoring report.

21Wolpow, R., et al. (2016). The Heart of learning and teaching.

22Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Compassionate Schools.

11:44 AM

Industry partnership in advertising courses

Philip Thomas Dennett, University of Notre Dame Australia

Zoom session commences 10am AWST/12 noon AEST

11:44 AM - 11:51 AM

This presentation reviews progress to date on developing an industry partnership within the advertising major of the Bachelor of Communications and Media. The program aims to prepare students for careers in communications. To achieve this, it is necessary to establish close links with industry2. Phase 1 was to identify and attract a potential long-term industry partner who is willing to be involved. An email outlining details of the proposed partnership was sent to five ex-students who work in the industry and one responded positively. Phase 2 (which has just been completed) was to trial the relationship through three courses. Initial findings based on a review meeting with the partner agency principals, reveal satisfaction with their involvement and an ongoing desire to continue the partnership. Analysis of the data, using a participant observer approach, revealed that there were five themes that show the value of this partnership for students including: exposure to industry practice, and the chance to build up a portfolio of work to demonstrate their suitability for potential employers. These are considered as extremely valuable for communications graduates1.


1Clark, G.L., & Kaminski, P. (1986). Bringing reality into the classroom: the team approach to a client-financed marketing research project, Journal of Education for Business, 62.

2Schaffer, A.R. (2001). Student reactions to industry involvement in case delivery. Industry & Higher Education.

11:51 AM

HLTH1004 Well-Being Fundamentals for Success: A Partnership with the Act Belong Commit Mental Health Campaign

Jenny Conlon, The University of Notre Dame Australia
Ben G. Piggott, University of Notre Dame, Australia

Zoom session commences 10am AWST/12 noon AEST

11:51 AM - 11:58 AM

The growing prevalence of mental health disorders (MHDs) among higher education students is a critical issue for universities and the wider community1,2. The Australian University Mental Health Framework requests leaders to embed health and well-being within the core business of universities and be recognised as part of teaching and learning3.

In response, staff from the School of Health Sciences developed the course ‘HLTH1004 Well-Being Fundamentals for Success’ to directly educate students on practical and evidence-based strategies proven to enhance personal well-being. The theoretical framework was adapted from Mentally Health WA's Act Belong Commit mental health campaign4. Specifically, fifty-eight students participated in the course and outcome well-being measures were self-assessed at weeks 1, 6 and 12 using four scales: (1) Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS); (2) Perceived Stress Scale (PSS); (3) Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) and (4) Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS). Post-course group interviews (n = 11) were also undertaken and analysed for key themes.

Linear mixed models demonstrated a significant improvement in resilience (BRS) and stress (PSS) across semester. Additionally, well-being (WEMBS) and mindful attention (MAAS) did increase, but not significantly. Key themes that emerged from the group interviews were that (1) University life contributes to well-being; (2) University life contributes to stress; (3) The course helped students see and do things differently and (4) An overall endorsement of the course.

University students’ resilience increased over the semester following participation in curriculum focused on well-being, which featured a combination of theoretical content and experiential workshops. Throughout the delivery of this course, a formal partnership with Act Belong Commit was established to better promote student mental health on campus. Overall, this course is believed to have vast potential in reducing the burden of MHDs among university students, holding significant promise in tertiary education and public health.

Keywords: Well-being; mental health; resilience.


1Baik, C., et al. (2019). How universities can enhance student mental wellbeing: the student perspective. High Educ Res Dev, 38(4):674–87.

2Seppälä, E., et al. (2020). Promoting mental health and psychological thriving in university students: a randomized controlled trial of three well-being interventions. Front Psychiatry, 11:590.

3Orygen. (2020). Australian university mental health framework.

4Donovan, R., & Anwar-McHenry J. (2016). Act-belong-commit: lifestyle medicine for keeping mentally healthy. Am J Lifestyle Med, 10(3):193.