
The Great Inflation of the 1970s: Evidence from the Archives

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



In the twentieth century, the United States replaced the United Kingdom as the centre of both the output of economic literature and the international economy. Having examined the structure of influence within the Keynesian and the Anti-Keynesian Traditions, (volume 1 and 2), this volume, the third of the trilogy, focuses more directly on economists and it highlights a multi-layered structure of influence within the policy process. Unpublished archival evidence illuminates aspects of the process by which the USA emerged as a dominant player in the world economy. This volume will be of interest not just to economists but to historians and social scientists, and to anyone interested in this transformation in world history. [From Publisher's website]

ISBN: 9781403949561


Due to copyright restrictions the publisher's version/PDF of this Book Chapter is unavailable for download.

American Power and Policy may be accessed from the publisher here

American Power and Policy may be accessed from the National Library of Australia here

The Author:

Professor Robert Leeson
