This paper will outline the controversy of Nestorius versus Cyril concerning the enumeration of persons in the Incarnate Christ. Key terms of the debate will be identified with the aim of establishing their meaning according to Nestorius. It will then be argued that Nestorius of the Bazaar remained committed to the basic tenets of orthodox Christianity as his commitment to true and complete natures (fully God, fully man), a single unified subject (a single Person in Christ), and a mutual use of attributes formed the basis of his Christology, even if their theological reconciliation came short of a complete and perfect synthesis.
Recommended Citation
Uremovic, Danijel. "Two Prosōpa, one Prosōpon; the Christology of Nestorius of Constantinople." Aristos 5, no. 1, art. 9 (2020): 1-13. doi:10.32613/aristos/2020.5.1.9.