This essay will seek to contrast two ideas of human person, social constructionism and realism, through assessing similarities found in their aesthetic notions of idolatry and iconography, respectively.
The essay will explore Michel Foucault’s social constructionism and Aristotle’s realism; in particular, how their ontological conclusion stems from their epistemological framework. The essay will consider what is meant by iconography and idolatry, relying on Jean-Luc Marion’s God Without Being[1] to show how idolatry mirrors social constructionism and how iconography mirrors realism, evincing the contrast between them.
Recommended Citation
Daher, Mary. "Contrasting Two Ideas of the Human Person, Social Constructionism and Realism, by Their Similarities in Idolatry and Iconography." Aristos 5, no. 1, art. 3 (2020): 1-9. doi:10.32613/aristos/2020.5.1.3.