
Responses of Four Campylobacterales to Cadmium Stress

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date



Abstract unavailable for this Book Chapter

Description of the Book, Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine:

The aims of this 10th volume are to present the latest scientific progress in the fields of biochemistry, chemistry and cell biology using examples such as the therapeutic applications of complex metal ligands.

Progress in our understanding of the roles played by metals in cells has resulted in the rise of metal-based medicinal products which are currently a major research field.

This book provides the latest findings on:

- the effects of metals in cancer, infectious disease, endocrine disorders and all other diseases affecting human beings.

- toxicological aspects of metal ions

- metal-based medicinal products

[Retrieved from the publisher's website]

ISBN: 978-2742007141


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Selected chapters of Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine, Vol 10 may be accessed via Google Books from the publisher here
